01. Do you snack while you read? If so, favorite reading snack?
Chocolate all the way. For a snack. But at work, I read while eating my lunch. My lunch, however, consists of yogurt and a müsli bar.
02. Do you tend to mark your books as you read, or does the idea of writing in books horrify you?
If I do mark anything, it’s only with pencil. Last time was when I was reading the biography of Rufus Wainwright last year. I can’t remember what it was, though. Before that, it must have been at school. So no, I don’t tend to do that.
03. How do you keep your place while reading a book? Bookmark? Dog-ears? Laying the book flat open?
Bookmarks mostly. Dog-ears is acceptable only in an emergency. And there’s usually no such hurry anywhere that there’s no chance to find a scrap of paper.
For the last two years I had these calendar-bookmarks, one for each month, and I’d write in the back what books I’d read that month. But I couldn’t find one this year, so it’s back to little pictures and such.
04. Fiction, Non-fiction, or both?
Both, but I prefer fiction.
05. Hardcopy or audiobooks?
Yes. I love the feeling of having a book in my hands, and going at it at my own pace, with the option to stop and think of what I’ve read whenever I want. But it’s also really nice to listen to a book while drawing, walking or sitting in a bus. My current project is to listen through all the Harry Potter audiobooks, read by Stephen Fry, before the last movie comes out. Just finished Prisoner of Azkaban, so, looking good!
06. Are you a person who tends to read to the end of chapters, or are you able to put a book down at any point?
I prefer to read until the end of a chapter, or at least to a break after a paragraph. Like with drawing and especially writing, I don’t much appreciate being interrupted while reading.
07. If you come across an unfamiliar word, do you stop to look it up right away? Write it down to look it up later? Just try to infer what it means from the rest of the sentence, and keep going?
Mostly I just try to figure out what it might mean in the context, and then look it up later. If I remember to. Usually I don’t remember.
08. What are you currently reading?
Ohh… Tokyo Babylon by CLAMP, Byzantium Endures by Michael Moorcock, and some Harry Potter audio books.
09. What is the last book you bought?
I just bought four used books last Monday, let’s see… Tokio ei välitä meistä enää by Ray Loriga, Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency by Douglas Adams, The Bedroom Secrets Of The Master Chefs by Irvine Welsh, and Tom of Finland by Arell & Mustola.
10. Are you the type of person that only reads one book at a time or can read more than one at a time?
I guess I answered that in question # 08. But there are times when I’m reading only one at a time.
11. Do you like re-reading books?
Oh fuck yes. I do it all the time. Same with movies. The only problem is, the pile of Books To Read For The First Time is yea high. The pile of Books To Re-read is higher. So, not enough time to re-read as many of them as many times as I’d like.