Author: Chuck Palahniuk
Published: 2009 by Anchor Books
Genre: Palahniuk.
Pages: 241
For official record, begins here account of operative me reading the book of Pygmy.
First impression: "Hey, this reads like Dir en grey lyrics!" The main character of the book goes by Pygmy, and since the singer and lyricist of Dir en grey is kind of... short, I couldn't help but seeing the narrator look something like this:

Another book for trips to work, and since the narration is quite unique English, it took a few weeks to read. But damn it, I loved every minute. Funny, scary, disturbing, and did I mention really funny, Pygmy is the story of a member of young exchange students/terrorists. They are sent from their unnamed totalitarian state to the United States as a part of Operation Havoc. As they become acquainted with the American way of life, they stealthily work towards the conclusion of their operation: mass terrorism in the form of a science fair project.
Pygmy's Americans are stupid, shallow and xenophobic, complete opposites (at least for the first two parts) of the young terrorists. Their way of life, as seen from the point of view of the narrator, seems foolish and absurd with its complex mating rituals, brainless with useless classes, and confusing with religion. The exchange students are far superior in intelligence, if not in English skills, but the easy American way of life does become tempting...
Again, I'm half asleep while writing this (seems to be my default state these days) and despite the fact that I really, really, really liked this book, I'm finding it hard to come up with anything worthwhile to say. I still haven't decided whether I liked the ending or whether I was somewhat disappointed with it. Probably a bit of both. Lullaby still reigns supreme, but Pygmy made it to #2 favourite Palahniuk! Congrats, Pygmy. Go try and mate.
"Next then, this agent venture near Caucasoid female featured with dolichocephalic-shape skull, large brow ridge, and receded zygomas. Feet of operative me rooted stance, breathing distance away female face, this agent own hands akimbo, fist planted atop each own iliac crest, say, "Esteemed Madam Fun Bags..." Say, "Request demonstrate superior anatomy as condition to receive generous deposit of alive male seed."
"Next now, swipe-pow, Caucasoid female slap hand impact face cheek of operative me, sufficient violent so generate blood glow, swell outline of female digits on face skin of this agent."
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