Side one! I've got the books organised a little by genre, a little by size, a lot by author, and... that's it. Please ignore the torn wallpaper in the background, we're in the process of tearing it all off and painting all the walls.
There's random comics, my whole Ralf König -collection, most of my gay and lesbian books, all of my Millars and Palahniuks. On second row, a whole bunch of comics. Third, DVD's! And hard cover books. And some art books. Most of bottom row is open for cats to move through. Oh, and action figures.

Side two! There's more DVD's and some biographies, and then a bunch of paperbacks. Third row, maybe a third of my manga collection, and all of Six Feet Under in a sweet box. On the very left side, you can see my SO's bookshelves. And we gotta empty them all somewhere and move the shelves for the painting project. That'll be fun.
Then it's reshelving. Now that WILL be FUN! That will be my favourite part.
To clarify: my complete FINNISH Ralf König collection. Except for Bull's balls, which is in English. He's done far more comics than I have, but they haven't been translated to Finnish (or English). Yet. They should be.