torstai 27. toukokuuta 2010


Title: Pygmy
Author: Chuck Palahniuk
Published: 2009 by Anchor Books
Genre: Palahniuk.
Pages: 241

For official record, begins here account of operative me reading the book of Pygmy.

First impression: "Hey, this reads like Dir en grey lyrics!" The main character of the book goes by Pygmy, and since the singer and lyricist of Dir en grey is kind of... short, I couldn't help but seeing the narrator look something like this:

Another book for trips to work, and since the narration is quite unique English, it took a few weeks to read. But damn it, I loved every minute. Funny, scary, disturbing, and did I mention really funny, Pygmy is the story of a member of young exchange students/terrorists. They are sent from their unnamed totalitarian state to the United States as a part of Operation Havoc. As they become acquainted with the American way of life, they stealthily work towards the conclusion of their operation: mass terrorism in the form of a science fair project.

Pygmy's Americans are stupid, shallow and xenophobic, complete opposites (at least for the first two parts) of the young terrorists. Their way of life, as seen from the point of view of the narrator, seems foolish and absurd with its complex mating rituals, brainless with useless classes, and confusing with religion. The exchange students are far superior in intelligence, if not in English skills, but the easy American way of life does become tempting...

Again, I'm half asleep while writing this (seems to be my default state these days) and despite the fact that I really, really, really liked this book, I'm finding it hard to come up with anything worthwhile to say. I still haven't decided whether I liked the ending or whether I was somewhat disappointed with it. Probably a bit of both. Lullaby still reigns supreme, but Pygmy made it to #2 favourite Palahniuk! Congrats, Pygmy. Go try and mate.

"Next then, this agent venture near Caucasoid female featured with dolichocephalic-shape skull, large brow ridge, and receded zygomas. Feet of operative me rooted stance, breathing distance away female face, this agent own hands akimbo, fist planted atop each own iliac crest, say, "Esteemed Madam Fun Bags..." Say, "Request demonstrate superior anatomy as condition to receive generous deposit of alive male seed."

"Next now, swipe-pow, Caucasoid female slap hand impact face cheek of operative me, sufficient violent so generate blood glow, swell outline of female digits on face skin of this agent."

tiistai 11. toukokuuta 2010

The Fetch

Title: The Fetch
Author: Robert Holdstock
Published: 1991 by Warner Books
Genre: Urban fantasy
Pages: 376

Damn, with the difficulties I had typing just that in, it's probably not a good idea to try and write this thing as tired as I am. But hey, let's give it a go!

The Fetch was translated into Finnish (Muinaisuuden kosketus) some little time after coming out, and since I had read my way through Lord of the Rings, Narnia, Eddings' books, Pratchett, DragonLance and damn well everything fantasy the local library had by then, I picked it up after finishing Mythago Wood and its first sequel. I was much more into epic fantasy than this kind of a thing, magical stuff in our modern world, but I found I quite liked it. It's still one of my favourites. Maybe like, in top 10 or so.

This was the third or fourth time I read The Fetch, first time in English. It's about a young boy, Michael Whitlock, who is adopted by childless parents as an infant. Only a few days in his new home, strange things start to happen. The new parents blame Michael's birth mother, but eventually figure out that it is Michael himself who is causing these odd and frightening occurrences. When he starts bringing home expensive treasures with his talent, horror turns to something else. Hard to say much more without spoilers, read it yourself!

I can't remember whether I reacted as strongly the last few reads to some of the events in the book, but this time, the urge to slap some bitches was strong. Still, the book is as good as I remembered, maybe more so since I am older and somewhat wiser than the first time around. Started reading this about a month ago, and finished it during the last few bus trips to work. The long trips go by too fast with an exciting book like this one. At least I'm getting some serious reading done.

"He drew himself into the picture, a small, yellow-haired figure, and placed his shadow perfectly considering the position of the bright sun at the top corner of the drawing. He drew his mother, standing at the edge of the garden, just outside the zones of his castle. He drew Carol and gave her a big smile, because he always wanted Carol to smile when she felt sad. Then, after a moment's hesitation, he drew his father. He drew a huge open mouth with teeth around the figure of the man.

"After a while, after staring at the page for a few minutes, he found a darker crayon.

"And with a quick, angry smile, he closed the monster's mouth."

torstai 6. toukokuuta 2010

Katso ihmistä!

Nimi: Katso ihmistä!
Alkuperäinen nimi: Behold the man
Michael Moorcock
Julkaistu: Alkup. 1969, Vaskikirjojen toimesta suomeksi 2009
Genre: Aikamatka-scifi
Sivuluku: 158 1/4

Tämän kirjan olen halunnut lukea jo kauan, ja nyt se hyppäsi yllättäen suomennettuna syliin kirjastossa. Työmatkat bussissa istuen sujuivat sutjakasti Moorcockin seurassa. Tai no, kaikki kolme matkaa jotka kuluivat lyhykäisen kirjan lukemisessa. Pitkä työmatka...

Mutta asiaan! Karl Glogauer on elämässään enemmän tai vähemmän epäonnistunut hemmo, jolle tarjotaan yllättäen mahdollisuutta kokeilla aikamatkustusta. Uskonnosta ja Jeesuksen elämästä kiinnostuneena hän päättää lähteä vuoden 29 jKr Palestiinaan nähdäkseen livenä Jeesuksen ihmetekoja, ristiinnaulitsemisen ja ylösnousemuksen. Miten kaikki oikeasti menikään?

No se on erittäin hyvä kysymys, ja tämä kirja on varsin jännä vastaus. Jännä as in mielenkiintoinen ja ajatuksia herättävä ja tragikoominen. Sanaa tragikoominen olen tainnut ennenkin täällä ihkuttaa. Katso ihmistä! on sekoitus raamatun lainauksia, teorioita, historiaa ja mitä historia olisi saattanut olla. Paljon puhetta uskonnosta ja sen roolista, ei niinkään aikamatkailusta ja sen ihmeellisyydestä.

Ei ehkä kuitenkaan paras lahjaidea uskovaiselle tädille, jos haluaa jatkossakin pysyä tädin testamentissa.

"Hullu, profeetta, Karl Glogauer, aikamatkustaja, maailman menettämä neuroottinen psykiatri, tarkoituksen etsijä, masokisti, mies, joka kaihosi kuolemaa ja kärsi messiaskompleksista, anakronismi, pinkoi halki markkinapaikan henkeään haukkoen.

"Hän oli tavannut etsimänsä miehen. Hän oli tavannut Jeesuksen, Marian ja Joosefin pojan."