lauantai 17. maaliskuuta 2012

Sky Coyote

Title: Sky Coyote
Author: Kage Baker
Published: Originally in 1999, this ed. 2007 by Tor
Genre: Historical science fiction!
Pages: 310

Remember when I said I'd take it slow with this series? Yeah...

Sky Coyote is the second book in Kage Baker's Company-series, and I picked it up as soon as I'd finished A World without End. Read it in a week or two, buuuuut didn't get around to updating. So I'm doing it now. Yeah.

The lead of this book is Joseph, who had a small role in the first book (an important one, though). The Company has decided to save a whole Chumash tribe with most of their belongings before ze Europeans get there, and Joseph, masked as one of their gods, the trickster Sky Coyote, is sent in to prepare the snarky tribe for their fate.

The book is light and pretty humorous, a joy to read, even though there are undercurrents of immortals becoming increasingly concerned over what exactly is going to happen in the year 2355, and the fact that some old immortal operatives have gone inexplicalby missing. And then there's the penis puppet show. It's very hard trying to keep a straight face when riding a full, traffic hour bus and reading about the penis puppet show.

"So here I am, Mr. Sky Coyote.
" I like this role. Trot trot trot on my new feet, leaving strange prints along the creek bed. A seagull floating inland gives a high far-off cry, and I cock my ear most comically. Up the winding canyon, and any real beast meeting me here in the gloom under teh oak trees will have the fright of its life. If I wanted to give chase, I wonder how I'd do? The muzzle points, the sharp teeth bare, and they snap and slash. We had to compromise on the tongue so I could speak, but I've practised panting in the mirror. I'm confident I'll make a good impression."

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