perjantai 17. elokuuta 2012

Mrs Fry's Diary

Title: Mrs Fry's Diary
Author: Mrs Stephen Fry
Published: 2010 originally, 2011 in paperback by Hodder.
Genre: Well it's a diary...
Pages: 346

Finally! The truth is out on Stephen Fry and his secret life! Never mind the books and documentaries and movies and TV-shows (I've been hooked on Qi the whole summer), here's the chance for the world to find out what the real deal is! Mr. Fry is not the national treasure he's made out to be, oh no: he's a womanizing drunkard of a window cleaner, and has six -or possibly seven- children with his wife Edna, who's diary I'm holding in my hands right now. Well I would be if I weren't writing this.

Mrs Fry's Diary takes us through a year in her life: marriage with Stephen, troubles with children, poetry classes, seeing Mrs Graham Norton and Ex-Mrs John Barrowman and her other friends, Spam, trips around Europe, and her relentless hunt for the truth about her husband. It's a touching book, the true story of a courageous woman, and it brought many a tear to my eye. 

1 Friday

We told the kids a homicidal clown lives in their wardrobe today. It wasn't an April Fool, we just thought they should know.

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