lauantai 20. syyskuuta 2014

Small Favor

Title: Small Favor
Author: Jim Butcher
Published: 2008 in book form but this was an audio book
Genre: Noir urban fantasy
Pages: 432, some 13 hours in audio form

Tenth book in The Dresden Files! It's been about a year since the events of the last book, and about the same since I listened to the last book. Harry and his apprentice Molly are having a pleasant training session/snowball war when the servants of the fairy Summer Court attack. Harry has barely distracted/destroyed them when the Winter Queen, Mab herself, comes to cash in a favour. Fairies...

Things are never easy for the only professional wizard in Chicago, and Harry has little choice but to agree. He soon finds himself face to creepy bits with several of the Fallen Angels, and the servants of Summer are plowing through ever-rising amounts of snow, bigger and stronger and after some Harry arse. Just to... just to beat him up and kill him and stuff. Nothing sexual.

I was thinking that I'm finally starting to catch up with Mr. Butcher's writing speed, but no... still dragging plenty behind. This book left some characters in worrying places, so I might pick up the next one soon. Also, I'm not 100% sure that the audio version I had wasn't missing a bit at the very end. It stopped quite suddenly.

These books are highly quotable, but since I am listening to them, I have to turn to the internets for one to add here. This one's courtesy of GoodReads. I wish I had the whole conversation on paper...

   "Likest thou jelly within thy doughnut?"
   "Nay, but prithee, with sprinkles 'pon it instead," I said solemnly, "and frosting of white."

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