lauantai 30. toukokuuta 2009


Title: Snuff
Author: Chuck Palahniuk
Published: 2008(?) by Anchor Books (or something like that)
Genre: ...
Pages: 197

The Helsinki-Vantaa airport in Finland rocks, since they seem to carry Palahniuk's new books. Last year when I was going to the UK for the second time, I found Rant there, and now, going to Italy, I found Snuff. It's the story of making the porn movie to end all porn movies: one woman, 600 men.

Yeah. Palahniuk has the most original ideas ever. In the world.

The story is told from the point of views of three of the men, #72, #137 and #600, and Sheila, the talent wrangler who has to keep everything running smoothly. Also, there's a rumour going 'round that one of those 600 is out to kill Cassie, the famous porn star who is trying to revive her career.

Of course, since this is Chuck Palahniuk's book, not all is what it seems. I guessed one plot point correctly and figured I knew how the book ends (20 pages before it ended) but boy, was I wrong. Also, since this is Chuck Palahniuk, the book is full of random bits of information which sound just crazy enough to be true. I don't know.

I spent the whole 3 hour flight reading this, and almost finished it in one sitting. With only 197 pages and short chapters, it's a very quick read, but will stay and haunt you. True fact.

No quote for now, since the book is still in Italy while I'm back in Finland.

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