tiistai 1. tammikuuta 2013

Books I maybe ought to read

Okay, so. The thing is, I buy a lot of second-hand books. I bought about 40 books in 2012, and only two of them were full price and completely new. Rest were either used or on sale. Many were from Amazon's affiliates, and cost only the postage.

What this means is, I always have a large pile of books I should get around to reading, but since there are always new shiny ones around, I never do, and the pile gets higher. I may have a problem here.

That's one reason for the following list. Another is that, I want to broaden my mind, learn new things, see things from different point-of-views. Learn history! So, after asking suggestions from people I know and reading through various lists of Books People Should Read Before They Die, and inspired by the blog Sivulliset, I made my own list here. I'm making the list its own separate file so I can easily find it and stuff. Note which one's I've read.

The point of it is not to make reading a chore. It's basically a reminder, Hey, I still haven't read that, how about now? And I'm not setting any deadlines or whipping myself if I never finish the list. I am making a note of that because I tend to get obsessive about this kind of things, stressed out etc. But yeah! The LIST!

Oh, before I go, THANK YOU's for suggestions go to Katja and Riikka, who don't have blogs (that I know of), to Heli, Heidi and the ladies of Sivulliset. I've also found many, many intriguing ones from Sivukirjasto. Thanks, ladies!

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