lauantai 4. toukokuuta 2013

The Graveyard Game

Title: The Graveyard Game
Author: Kage Baker
Published: 2001 by Tor
Genre: Historical timetravel science fiction yay
Pages: 298

It's the fourth Company-book! Yay! And where I had trouble reading the last one, Mendoza in Hollywood, because of pacing and reading schedule, this one I could barely put down. Might be because I prefer Joseph as a character to Mendoza, or because this one was hopping around in time and place, with Company politics and fresh visions of the future of our world.

The Graveyard Game follows Lewis, one of Mendoza's very few friends, and Joseph, her something of a father figure, as they try to figure out what exactly happened to her at the end of the last book. This isn't easy without alarming the Company, who are able to monitor their employees around the clock and world. Time is moving swiftly towards the year 2355, where the Company's recorded history ends, and more than one of the immortal cyborgs have gone missing lately.

Like I said, this one was hard to put down. I'm still reading Michelangelo and American Psycho -which I don't really care for much, it turns out- but I kinda want to jump straight into the next one of the series. Maybe I will.

   Joseph sighed. "We may not be able to do anything for her. Even finding out where she is will be dangerous. I may have some chance, on my own. What I do, what we do, depends on what I turn up. But I may not turn up anything for years. You see what I'm saying?"
   "Yes, I do." Lewis set his chin. "But you have to understand my position. There she was, about to walk into tragedy, and I knew it but there was nothing on earth I could do."
   "Oh, I think I know how you felt," said Joseph bleakly.

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